Psychology & Behavior

Is Self Care Selfish

Jon Mason 6 5:20 6

These bites are for anyone who wants to learn about self-care in relationships. By understanding the importance of self-care and how it can benefit your relationships, you can achieve a healthy balance between taking care of yourself and maintaining strong connections with others.

Listen Bites

The Definition of Self Care

Bite 1: The Definition of Self Care

Self-care means taking ca

The Importance of Self Care in Relationships

Bite 2: The Importance of Self Care in Relationships

Taking care of yourself i

Dispelling the Selfishness Myth

Bite 3: Dispelling the Selfishness Myth

Many people mistakenly th

Balancing Self Care and Relationship Needs

Bite 4: Balancing Self Care and Relationship Needs

Taking care of yourself i

Examples of Self Care Practices in Relationships

Bite 5: Examples of Self Care Practices in Relationships

In relationships, taking


Bite 6: Summary

To sum up, taking care of

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    Jon Mason

    Writes about Psychology & Behavior

    Jon Mason is a relationship and family expert with a background in psychology and behavior from Sweden. With years of experience, Jon shares valuable insights and advice through their blog.


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