Technology & the Future

Internet Privacy Examples

These bites are for anyone interested in understanding internet privacy. By learning about data collection by social media platforms, government surveillance, and online tracking, you can protect your personal information online and make informed choices about your online activities. Understanding the risks and benefits of online shopping and financial transactions, geolocation, and mobile apps will also help you navigate the digital world and safeguard your privacy.

Listen Bites

What is internet privacy?

Bite 1: What is internet privacy?

Internet privacy means be

Data collection by social media platforms

Bite 2: Data collection by social media platforms

Lets talk about a common

Government surveillance

Bite 3: Government surveillance

One big worry about inter

Anonymity and online tracking

Bite 4: Anonymity and online tracking

When you use the internet

Online shopping and financial transactions

Bite 5: Online shopping and financial transactions

When you shop online or d

Geolocation and mobile apps

Bite 6: Geolocation and mobile apps

Geolocation tracking is w


Bite 7: Summary

Internet privacy is a big

  1. 1k followers

    Nick Ferrado

    Writes about Technology & the Future

    Nick Ferrado is a blog writer from Canada with years of experience in Technology & the Future. He has a strong background in Science & Technology.


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